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Valorant is Coming to Consoles in 2024

We dont Know When Exactly but we can Confirm that Valorant will be coming to PS5 and Xbox Series X

Gamers, the moment you've been waiting for might be on the horizon. Valorant, the tactical masterpiece from Riot Games, could soon make its debut on consoles. But when can you expect this epic transition to happen? In this blog, we'll explore the journey towards Valorant's console release and provide you with the latest updates as of April 2024.

The Facts

  • Valorant's console debut is highly likely, but no official release date has been confirmed as of today.
  • Recent job listings at Riot Games indicate ongoing development for Valorant on consoles.
  • Controller related icons have been found in the Valorant game files
  • Valorant's lead designer, Trevor Romleski, confirmed that Riot is "exploring new opportunities for other platforms."

The Rumours

Rumors of Valorant's console debut began swirling back in 2022 when Riot Games dropped a breadcrumb—a job listing for a "Senior Game Designer, Console."

Why would Riot Games hire someone for Console development? I doubt its because they want to make League of Legends playable on console... That would just be absurd. 

Controller Icons in the Valorant Game Files

The Valorant Community on reddit have uncovered icons for PlayStation and Xbox within the game's files, a telltale sign of an imminent console release.

While these aren't official confirmations, they certainly validate my opinion that the game will come out on consoles soon enough. We just need to wait.

The Waiting Game

As of now, Valorant remains exclusive to PCs, leaving console enthusiasts eager for their turn to experience its thrill. The million-dollar question: When is Valorant Coming to Consoles?

Unfortunately, there's no official release date in sight for 2024. Riot Games has maintained secrecy, keeping us all on the edge of our gaming seats. But don't lose hope just yet.

Nothing is Certain Except Death Taxes and Valorant Coming to Console

The good news is that Valorant's journey to consoles is almost certain. Riot Games, with its history of expanding into new territories like mobile gaming, is no stranger to embracing opportunities. Valorant's lead designer, Trevor Romleski, confirmed that Riot is "open to exploring new opportunities for other platforms." Keep an eye out for updates on Valorant's journey to your favorite console—it's coming sooner than you think.

About the author

Marijn Laros

Spirited, 19-year-old guy hailing from the glorious tulip lands of the Netherlands. I've always been one for adventures, and my current one has taken me across borders where I've been enjoying living abroad for the past month, soaking up new experiences and cultures.

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