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Aimbot Like Apex?

That's all you need to know about how Valorant's console aim assist works

Image Credits: Riot Games & Activision 

Aim assist was originally invented to allow shooter games to be playable on controller. The way it functions varies from game to game, but the general idea is to help players land their shots. On PC, this was never required because it’s far easier to be precise with a mouse, but on console it was found that aiming with the sticks of a controller is just too difficult without aim assist to be enjoyable.

But what about Valorant? Has aim assist been added to make hitting enemies easier? And if so, is it basically an aimbot that targets enemies without player input, or is it more subtle? 

Does Valorant on Console Have Aim Assist? 

Yes, Valorant on console does have aim assist. It is not a strong form of aim assist, and it will still require players to get good at hitting their shots, but it does exist. 

You can test it out in the range by rotating your camera so that your crosshair passes over a bot: 

Image Credits: Riot Games & Activision 

As your crosshair passes over the bot, you will notice that the speed at which your character is turning will decrease slightly. This is how Valorant’s aim assist works; it basically tunes down your aiming sensitivity while your crosshair is on a target. 

How Does Valorant’s Aim Assist Compare to Other Shooters? 

There are some shooters on console that have no aim assist whatsoever, like Rainbow Six Siege, but this is incredibly rare. For most players, aiming this way is just too difficult to be fun, which is why the vast majority of console shooters actually do have aim assist. 

Most console shooters have a much stronger form of aim assist than Valorant. In Apex and Call of Duty, for instance, your crosshair will actually “stick” to enemies that you pass over, and it will continue tracking them for a few moments even without player input. In fact, on CoD, you can even choose from various types of aim assist: 

Image Credits: Riot Games & Activision 

We do not have that option in Valorant. All that exists is one type of aim assist, and it isn’t particularly impactful compared to most other shooters. 

Can You Increase Aim Assist in Valorant? 

No, you cannot increase the intensity of aim assist in Valorant on console. There is really no way to give yourself an advantage in this regard, all we can suggest is that you make sure not to have your sensitivity too high, otherwise the slowing effect as your crosshair passes over an enemy will be less noticeable. 

Image Credits: Riot Games & Activision 

And that was everything you need to know about aim assist in Valorant console. Yes, it does exist, but it is very weak compared to other shooters. Were you hoping they wouldn’t bring aim assist to Valorant, like Siege? 

Alex Cabal from Game Champions

About the author

Alex Cabal

I'm a gambler who loves betting on just about everything, from soccer, esports, roulette, tennis and even slap contests. If you can bet on it, you can be sure that I've taken a chance on it.

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