Who Are The Best Agents for Valorant on Console?
This is my list of the best Valorat Agents to play with on the console version of the game
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You might be wondering why an Agent tier list for Valorant on console would be different to an Agent tier list for the PC version of the game. Well, there will of course be much overlap, but on console there are actually some substantive differences. For one, Flashes are much stronger, as most players don’t have their sensitivity high enough to look away. We also want to avoid any Agents with abilities that are excessively complex, as on a controller it’s more difficult to be as quick in deploying these abilities.
But before we begin, it’s worth mentioning that ultimately having a good team composition is going to be better for your ranked grind than picking the best Agent for yourself. So if you’re playing Bind, for instance, and you don’t have smokes, pick a Controller Agent over the Duelist you love. But hey, at least this list can help you pick a great Controller for that scenario.
Agent Tier List
Here is our tier list for Valorant on console, but please note that the Agents are not ordered within each tier:
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Please don’t worry if your main is near the bottom, you can make any Agent great if you learn to play them well enough!
S-Tier Agents In Valorant Console
We consider these four Agents to be the absolute best in their respective roles on Valorant console. If you learn how to play them, you will have a good option to pick for any map or any comp.
Cypher (Sentinel)
This is the go-to Sentinel on PC and console right now, and for good reason. The traps can completely lock down certain sites, the camera provides some of the safest intel in the game, and the ult (which is easy to get) can massively swing the balance in favor of your team by providing great intel to the entire team. Also, his abilities are global, which makes playing him so much less of a hassle than someone like Killjoy.
Gekko (Duelist)
Since the Skye nerfs Gekko has unquestionably been our favorite Initiator, and as with Cypher, none of his abilities are hard to use with a controller, so he’s just as good on console. You get a molly, a flash that can’t be dodged by looking away, and basically a sixth team member to plant and defuse. Oh yeah, and all of his abilities, including the ult, can be picked up and used again.
Omen (Controller)
So you want to play smokes for the team, but you also want to have a ton of fun lurking and fragging? Omen is your Agent. Besides the smokes he has a great flash, a TP, and an ult that can be used to grab the bomb, instantly rotate, or perfectly flank. There’s a reason Omen has long been one of the most popular Agents in the entire game.
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Reyna (Duelist)
Reyna is beloved by players of all skill levels, on console and PC. She is the archetypal Duelist, who can flash to get advantage for the first gunfight, then keep chaining kill after kill with Dismiss and Devour. And with the ult activated? Your dopamine levels will go through the roof.
A-Tier Agents In Valorant Console
These Agents are almost never bad picks, and are all quite popular, but for one reason or another they’re slightly less well-rounded than their S-Tier counterparts.
Breach (Initiator)
Perhaps the most underrated Agent in the game, Breach isn’t very popular, but he’s a fantastic Initiator for providing your team an advantage before pushing an enemy. Yes, he’s not as focused on providing intel, but he will set you up for some of the easiest kills in the game.
Clove (Controller)
Although the voice lines have split the community, the abilities haven’t. Clove is a great example of a hybrid Agent (in this case, Controller-Duelist) who is actually good at her roles, rather than being weak at both. Her smokes are easy to deploy, they recharge, and she can use them after death, while her other abilities give her huge sustainability and fragging potential.
Iso (Duelist)
When Valorant launched on console, Iso was still in his insanely overpowered phase, but since the nerf he is now in a much healthier place. Thanks to his shield, he’s especially great for players that aren’t afraid to be the first to push out and chall.
Jett (Duelist)
Jett takes some getting used to, but with her ability to enter from above she offers something no other Agent does, and on certain sites it’s massively valuable. Definitely one of the harder Agents to use, so probably not for beginners, but we urge all experienced console players who enjoy duelists to give her a go.
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Killjoy (Sentinel)
KJ has an annoyingly short range on her abilities, which is why Cypher is slightly more preferable for most maps, but in all other respects she’s an outstanding Sentinel. Also, bonus points have to be awarded for her ult, which can win you rounds on both attack and defense.
Phoenix (Duelist)
He has it all; smokes, flashes, a molly, and healing. And his ult is one of the funnest in the game, allowing you to push an enemy with zero risk. This is a great Agent for new players on console who want to pick up a bit of everything, especially given how hard his flash is to dodge.
Skye (Initiator)
Another one of the Agents who has taken some foul nerfs, but in the case of Skye, she is still a great Initiator, with huge potential for both info gathering and flashing/stunning before entry. Also, beautiful voice lines.
Viper (Controller)
Although only a shadow of her former self, Viper will always be at least somewhat meta, especially on more open maps. Her line smokes completely changes how your team can attack or retake a site, and once the spike is down her ult can make it nearly impossible for the enemy team to defuse.
Yuro (Duelist)
A very tough Agent to use, but not in a way that would be any more difficult on controller, he just requires you to make high-IQ plays. And if you do have that big brain required for Yuro? He’s a ton of fun and hugely effective.
B-Tier Agents In Valorant Console
These are still good Agents, and we don’t think you should stop playing any of them if you enjoy them, but there are Agents in the tiers above whose utility will have more impact, more consistently.
Brimstone (Controller)
For Bind, a map where smokes are essential, Brimstone’s access to three smokes is great. But in all other situations we advise playing as Omen or Clove for smokes, who recharge their smokes and have greater fragging potential.
Fade (Initiators)
Fade is A-tier on PC, no question, thanks to her range of great intel abilities that can massively help Duelists with entry. But, on console, we have to mark her down just slightly because her Prowler is tough to direct on controller, especially when you are under pressure.
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Raze (Duelist)
Raze is definitely A, or possibly S-Tier on PC, but for this console-specific list we have to mark her down slightly because she’s difficult to be effective with controller. The problem is her satchels. You have to be both precise and quick when using them for movement, and this is really tough to do on console.
Sage (Sentinel)
Sage is very popular on console, probably because newer players think there will be less pressure being a “healer”. But Sage shouldn’t be seen as a “healer”, this is really a secondary part of her kit, her main focus is delaying enemy pushes. She’s fantastic at doing that, but why not play Cypher who can do that and counter lurkers?
C-Tier Agents In Valorant Console
Now we have reached the Agents who we would actively tell players to perhaps move on from, especially new players who are looking for someone easy to main.
Chamber (Sentinel)
Perhaps this is too low, but after the horrific nerfs he took to his Ult and TP, we don’t think Chamber is worth picking for most players. He’s a kind of hybrid Duelist-Sentinel, but he doesn’t excel at either, so just pick a better version of either role depending on what the team needs.
Deadbolt (Sentinel)
Deadbolt has a unique role in many ways, and is closer to Sage than the other Sentinels; she’s better at blocking off paths and funneling players than countering lurkers. She is certainly good at doing that, but because the sensors and grenades are hard to use effectively, you won’t get much impact out of her kit until you put a lot of time into her.
KAY/O (Initiator)
KAY/O has a diverse kit, like Phoenix, but unlike Phoenix, KAY/O’s abilities are all fairly disappointing. He is good if you want to hard-counter certain Agents on specific maps, but that’s a situational use-case, so we can’t give him higher than C-Tier.
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Neon (Duelist)
As with Raze, Neon is better on PC, but on console, where it’s harder to be as snappy, she simply doesn’t excel. At least they’ve now fixed her instant pull-out.
Sova (Initiator)
Sova has a huge skill-ceiling, but for newer players looking for a simple but impactful Agent, we can’t recommend this Initiator. The darts require you to learn line-ups, the ult is very easy for enemies to avoid, and the drone is rarely useful.
D-Tier Agents In Valorant Console
These two are troll picks, unless you are willing to spend hundreds of hours becoming an absolute master of their abilities.
Astra (Controller)
Astra has one of the biggest skill-ceilings in the game, and talented Astra mains can do some great stuff. But for newer players looking for a main, there’s almost no reason not to pick someone easier to use. Her whole kit is just too clunky for console.
Harbor (Controller)
Harbor is weak on PC and console, and he has the most underwhelming ult in the game. If you want a line smoke, just play Viper. Riot, please buff or rework.